Thursday 23 May 2024

Masterchef - the results.

Sophie didn't go to the gym this morning, so we sat and had a coffee and watched an episode of Come Dine With Me before we got ready for work.

My shift passed quickly and I managed to finish the Moan Report, which was a bonus. That's one less thing I have to worry about! At 2pm, I drove home and Keith told me that my Mum had called and wasn't feeling well so she didn't feel like going shopping this afternoon. We drove over and I dropped some items in that she needed and had a chat. She said she'd had an upset tummy, so I told her to drink plenty of water in case she became dehydrated.

Keith and I returned home where I relaxed. It had been a great day yesterday but very busy so it was lovely to relax this afternoon. I totted up the Masterchef results and it was obvious that some terms and ways of cooking are still popular:

Mother/Father/Grandparent a huge influence on their cooking (normally said with a tear in their eye as they’ve passed away but is looking down and being proud): 18 points

Sob story: 5 points

Ethnic cooking: 22 points

Bon bons: 6 points

Fusion: 4 points

Vegan: 1 point (just one contestant)

Soufflé: 1 point

Fondant - either chocolate or  potato: 11 points

Poached pears: 1 point (fallen from popularity)

A "foam": 1 point

A "crumb": 18 points

Soil: 1 point

Meat (usually lamb or duck) is raw: 2 points

Black food: 5 points

De-constructed: 3 points

Home-made pasta, especially in the first round, (always a risk!): 17 points

Consommé: 0 points

Sous-vide: 3 points

Panna cotta: 8 points

A contestant crying: 14 points (and John cried in the final!)

Tuille: 9 points

Gel: 13 points

Emulsion: 1 point

Inspired by travel/number of countries visited: 14 points

Creme pat: A big fat nil

A crisp: 8 points

Velouté: 7 points

An oil: 23 points

Too much going on on the plate: 11 points

Not as popular this year (and some were new to us):

Granola: 2 points

A dust or powder: 1 point

Harissa: 2 points

Wasabi: 3 points

Unusual terms or words: compressed (as in tomatoes), snow (as in fennel), parmesan collar, a blanket (made of jellied beetroot), hogget (older lamb) Yuzu (set to be big for 2025) and Gochujang (a Korean red chilli paste).

Greg must have used the term "cookery" rather than just plain cooking, a million times, and it irrittated me every time he said it. Both presenters need to be reminded that they don't need to use the word "really" multiple times when describing the dishes or the way they've been cooked, because it's really, really unneccesary! Like James Martin and his use of the word "amazing", it just irritates and shows a lack of vocabulary! 

Sophie and I were amazed at Chris in particular, who was a returning contestant and managed to get to the final three. Some of his cooking belonged in the realms of fantasy and, at times, we had no idea what he was on about!

We might watch "Celebrity" Masterchef this year. As we don't know most of contestants, it'll be like watching the normal contestants all over again!

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