Saturday 18 May 2024

A relaxed Saturday

I was up at about 7am this morning and decided to watch a film I'd recorded some time ago called The Two Faces of January starring Kirsten Dunst and Viggo Mortensen. It was set in Greece and Turkey and kept me entertained for the first couple of hours of the weekend.

The weather outside was a bit iffy, so we decided to leave the garden until tomorrow. It's supposed to be warm and sunny all day so perfect for taming the long grass and taking the unwanted bench seat to the tip!

Sophie and I did Wordle Off over coffee, and then we busied ourselves in the kitchen preparing a bolognese sauce for tonight's dinner and making banana and walnut muffins. Sophie did virtually everything herself, and the muffins smelt delicious cooking in the oven! I do love using up old bananas and making them into something delicious, whether it's muffins, porridge or even banana bread. I find it strange I love bananas when they're cooked but can't stand them raw!

It was lovely to pootle about, catch up with some jobs and take today at a lovely, slow pace. Vikesh came over at about 2pm to see Sophie, and we played Scrabble sitting at the island in the kitchen with a sneaky glass of wine and a muffin. He beat both of us and after one game I went to have a shower and change.

Vikesh wouldn't stay for dinner as his Mum was cooking for him, so we put the bolognese sauce on to heat up slowly while we relaxed before dinner. With pasta twists instead of spaghetti, and served with garlic bread, the meal was lovely!

After dinner, we opted to watch the last three episodes of Baby Reindeer on Netflix. I found it quite sad, to be honest, and wondered whether it was really a good idea for the writer to bare his soul like that!

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