Monday 13 May 2024

Feeling poorly...

Unfortunately, Sophie didn't feel well in the night, and both of us were sitting downstairs at midnight. She felt wheezy and said it hurt to lie down as her chest felt so congested. I said we would call the surgery first thing in the morning and try and get a GP appointment. I was perplexed as to why she was feeling like this again after a trip away. The exact same thing happened after she returned from Istanbul in November of last year.

She came to bed with me and we had a somewhat disturbed night. I texted Sheila at 7.30am to ask if I could work 10am until 4pm, but after Sophie had called the surgery and been given an appointment at 2pm, I decided to use a day's annual leave and stay at home with my daughter.

I tackled some housework and Sophie tried to doze on the sofa but she felt wheezy. Keith did our shopping and brought back some Covonia Night Time which she hoped would knock her out in the evening! It's always worked for me!

Sophie didn't feel like eating much and just wanted to curl up and doze, so I knew she wasn't feeling right. At 2pm we headed over to the surgery and Sophie saw the nurse practitioner who said she had a chest infection and prescribed antibiotics. They were different to the ones she took back in November last year and we hoped they would start working soon.

For the rest of the day, we relaxed and both of us tried to have a nap as we felt so tired. We'd planned a roast chicken for dinner, with salad and new potatoes, but none of us felt like it all, so we ate cold meats, salad and crusty bread.

Sophie's homecoming certainly wasn't how I'd imagined it would be!

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