Friday 10 May 2024

A small feeling of relief!

Today has been a busy shift at work and catching up with everything that needed to be done, including making sure the swim camps and holiday activities were on the system ready for the May half-term. It felt great when they were all on!

After work, I drove over to Kettering, and within minutes, Mum and Dad were back on Netflix, much to their relief! I was also relieved and hoped that they could work out the remote control to switch back and forth between the streaming channel and normal television!

I dashed home and relaxed, watching more of the film Little Buddha while Keith was at the pub. Sophie Facetimed again and said she had a bad cold and a sore throat. This happened when she went to Istanbul last year, and she ended up with antibiotics, so that was one more worry to contend with! I'll be very glad when she's home tomorrow night!

I missed my wine buddy tonight but poured a glass for myself and prepared a very simple dinner. I felt shattered, so it was an early night. I'm working tomorrow!

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