Friday 24 May 2024

An end to the working week!

It was back to normal this morning, with Sophie at the gym, and for me, a nice ease into the day with a hot coffee. I had an easier journey to work this morning but I will be glad when the road from Holcot up to the A43 is back open!

I ended the week back on the phone and working with just Shirley today. It wasn't too busy and I managed to answer all the emails in between calls. It was a lovely feeling to go home at 4pm and look forward to three days off... I'm not working this Bank Holiday Monday!

Keith didn't go to the pub this evening and we had an easy dinner of Tesco curries and accompaniments. Sophie and I sipped wine and nibbled the cheese and sausage we bought in London on Wednesday. They were delicious - the cheese was lovely and salty while the sausage had chunks of walnut. Scrumptious!

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