Sunday 23 October 2022


We awoke to heavy rain this morning and it continued all morning. Sophie went to the gym to do two yoga classes and I decided, madly, to change the beds even though I knew we'd have to use the tumble dryer!

The weather did improve in the afternoon, though, just after my Mum called to postpone our trip to the garden centre because of the rain, bless her. We decided to go next Wednesday instead, so I carried on tackling the laundry pile that had grown to enormous proportions!

I managed to get one set of bedding out on the line and it was lovely to see the sun shining after the atrocious weather of this morning. Sophie came home, had some lunch, and then we drove to the garage in Moulton to put some petrol in her car. She bought some posh crisps and hummus in the garage for a snack with Scrabble this evening, and we also took a bag of clothes to be recycled. We went to my old business and I was expecting to see the car park rammed, but it wasn't too bad!

Back home, we all enjoyed a hot chocolate and read the Sunday papers. Bliss! 

Mug from Spain

After the hot chocolate, I indulged in a long soak in the bath and then it was Scrabble time! We opened a bottle of red wine from Emporda as Keith was cooking beef casserole, and it was delicious. We'll have to go back to get some more!

While we were playing Scrabble, we had the mother of all thunderstorms! Keith saw the first huge flash of lightning, followed by thunder and it carried on for about an hour with torrential rain. It was brilliant to see and was real entertainment. At one point I thought we were going to lose the power! It's been ages since we've had a really good storm at home (I'm not counting the couple we had in Spain!) so it was lovely to see Nature raging all around us, with the sky constantly being lit by the lightning!

I thrashed Sophie this evening, and dinner was delicious. A good end to an enjoyable day!

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