Sunday 4 September 2022

A quiet Sunday

After yesterday's activity, today has been quieter and I didn't leave the house at all. We enjoyed breakfast of pains au chocolate and coffee and then pottered about all morning keeping an eye on our eBay items that were due to be sold. We are back in London next week and it would be great to have enough to pay for lunch in Cote Brasserie! We also boxed up a pair of Mike's shoes that he'd left behind and I paid online for postage for them. Keith had suggested driving down to Southampton to take them to him personally, but the postage was a little bit cheaper!

Sophie and I had leftover stroganoff for lunch, and it was even better the second time around! She prepared dinner for this evening - a Gino D'Acampo chicken dish with pearl barley that sounded delicious. Sitting at the kitchen island with her was lovely while she chopped all the ingredients and prepared the meal.

I spent the afternoon doing some more transcribing of a Greek holiday diary and sorting through the photographs. It was quite poignant seeing how young we all were, and my parents looked particularly fit and healthy twenty years ago. How time changes everything...

As per usual we played Scrabble in the evening once Sophie had done some preparations for the dinner and popped it in the oven. It was a huge success and Keith loved the pearl barley! I think it reminded him of his childhood meals!

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