Thursday 30 December 2021

Meal indulgence!

Sophie was off to Birmingham today to meet Zain and celebrate New Year with him. We dropped her off at the station at midday and then popped home to pick up my phone, which I'd forgotten! Before heading to Kettering we called into the small shop in Broughton to drop off the Tassimo pods, which was a very easy and straightforward process, and a lot quicker than going to Milton Keynes!

I didn't think it was a good idea to go shopping so late in the day but surprisingly, the supermarkets weren't busy. We shopped for today and tomorrow, but we're out Saturday night, and on Sunday Keith and I are supposed to be going to the Rugby at the Saints, but Keith has a bad stomach ache at the moment, so this is in doubt.

We did our shopping and then it was home to relax for the rest of the day. The weather continues to be damp and mild with forecasts for a warm New Year's Eve and Day.

As Sophie was out this evening, Keith and I indulged in one of our "naughty" meals - sausage, fried eggs and chips. It's not something we enjoy very often, but every once in a while it's lovely to have a change! Keith cooked the homemade chips outside while I took care of the sausages. The meal was delicious, but as I said to Keith, I couldn't eat like that every night!

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