Friday 31 December 2021

A quiet New Year's Eve...

I was at work at 10am this morning, after having weird dreams in which I was late and said to Sara I could come in, but I was wearing jeans! Very strange!

It was great to catch up with Sara and Sheila, and Sara is a new Nan again, after her daughter Vicky gave birth yesterday, to a little boy. The very short shift passed quickly, and I was driving out at 1.30pm.

Sophie had been texting me to say they were on their way to London to complete their festivities, and after an hour at home, I went to collect Mum from the care home to take her out for a cup of tea. We went to Dobbies Garden Centre at Harlestone, but as we walked into the cafe, one of the staff said they were closed... just about right for this month! Everything is closed!

I bought a box of small cakes and we went home to have a cup of tea there instead. Mum needed to be back by tea-time as there were obviously celebrations going on, so after half an hour I drove her back and wished her a happy New Year. She said they were having a firework display, which sounded great!

Back home, Keith and I were sitting relaxing when my mobile rang. It was the doctor's surgery, which was a bit worrying as Keith had been this morning and had had some blood taken because of the stomach pain. The GP said he would call Keith next Wednesday if there were any problems, and now he was on the phone... He said that the inflammation indicators were high and could we get over to the surgery within the next twenty minutes to pick up some antibiotics?

We sped over as fast as we dared and picked them up, but both of us were a bit worried about the diagnosis, to be honest. The GP said he would see Keith again next Friday, and we both hoped that the antibiotics would kick in soon.

We had a very quiet, but enjoyable New Year's Eve. It was the first time in decades that we spent it alone. but we had pate and toast at about 8pm while watching Dad's Army, and prawn cocktail later in the evening. We watched the final of University Challenge and between us, we scored 90 points, 5 less than the losing team from Oxford!

After watching Graham Norton and then half an hour of Jools Annual Hootenanny, we turned over to the BBC and watch the fireworks, which looked like they were coming from Greenwich. We toasted the New Year with Prosecco and I had some Christmas pudding and brandy cream! After a flurry of texts and WhatsApp messages, it was time for bed at 1am. Happy New Year!

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