Tuesday 24 January 2017

Getting things done...

It's been a busy day today and time, as usual, has flown by. I spent most of the day catching up with chores and trying to get my penultimate assignment finished. I will be really glad when it's all done! As well as struggling with the assignment, I managed to hoover the house and Keith went up into the loft to get my Wine certificates down for me.

We picked Sophie up in the afternoon and drove over to the Weston Favell Centre as we needed to go to Tesco, buy Mike's presents and cards and visit the Post Office. Sophie wanted to get her dollars for New York and managed to get a good rate - $1.21 to the pound.

We bought Mike some American sweets and drinks and funny Birthday cards. He is always a bit low-key for his birthday, unlike my daughter who tells me exactly what she wants (and has already dropped heavy hints about her 21st in April...yes, I know you read this, Sophie!!!!).

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