Friday 27 January 2017

A manic day!

After dropping Sophie and Mike off at college and uni, Keith and I went shopping. I'd made a list of things we needed for our Wine Evening tomorrow and we decided to just shop for the weekend rather than tackle a whole week's worth!

Paul and Sue will be coming on Saturday, as well as Richard and Michelle and each couple is bringing two wines. This time we're doing Champagne, which I bought on Tuesday. Michelle is vegetarian and I had already confirmed with her that she and Richard were OK with a chilli. I had found a recipe for a vegetarian chilli but was a bit nervous about cooking it as the recipe said to prepare it half an hour before serving it and I didn't fancy cooking something new so close to the dinner...what if it went wrong?!

We looked for a ready-made chilli but found nothing in Tesco so after we'd got home and had a late breakfast, we went to pick Sophie up and called into Beckworth on the way home. They do delicious ready made meals and although they did have a veggie chilli, it had soya which Michelle can't eat. I resigned myself to cooking a chilli non carne from scratch (how hard can it be?) but decided to prepare one this afternoon first so I could have a practise!

It went very well, to be honest and I left it out to cool before putting it in the fridge so I could re-heat it tomorrow. I will try out a small bowlful earlier in the day to taste it (there was a lot of vegetables in it!) so I felt a bit more relieved.

I also had good news on the job front as I'd applied for a position in the morning and received a call from a recruitment agency in the afternoon. We had a chat and the woman I spoke to said she would call back on Monday with the possibility of arranging an interview. I also took a call from a very pleasant man called Peter who runs a franchise I am very interested in. It's a pet sitting/dog walking business and I think it would be perfect for us all to do. The initial outlay isn't high and after a long chat on the phone he said he would send me a prospectus.

Sophie spent the evening doing the rest of her packing and after Keith had gone to the pub we opened a bottle of wine and caught up with some TV. Keith wasn't going to have a drink at the pub as we have a very early start in the morning but when he came home he had a beer to accompany our Macaroni Cheese supper.

We all went to bed very early tonight as we have a 2am wake up call tomorrow!

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