Thursday 5 January 2017

A few nerves!

Mike, Sophie and I had a dentist appointment this afternoon and it was our first visit to the new man as our regular dentist had retired last year. I had been with him for over thirty years so I was a bit nervous and also wary that the new man might try and say things were wrong with our teeth and that we needed a lot of treatment!

Mike went first and was told he needed a filling - not a great start! Sophie was in the chair next and after giving her a quick check-up he said he wanted to take an x-ray of her teeth! We all had to go out of the room while it was done, but thankfully everything was fine. I had started to get a bit jittery as I suspected I would be x-rayed as well...and I was! It felt a bit uncomfortable as I'm not keen on having plastic things in my mouth, but again all was fine.

After a check-up and a scale and polish - and he was a lot gentler than my previous dentist - we were all done and making appointments for July...gulp! I was very relieved!

We had another busy evening as Sophie was out again tonight, this time with Daisy and Laura. Just before she went she had been told by a friend that the results for one of her assignments was available to see and as it was a piece of work she'd put a lot of effort into, she logged onto the internet straight away. It was an assignment on Amazon and she was really hoping to get a good mark so she was very nervous when she went onto the web page to get her mark...which was an A- so she was delighted with that!

In all the excitement she forgot to take the girls' presents so when I arrived home I put them into the car straight away for when I went back to get her later in the evening!

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