Sunday 22 January 2017

A trio of shoppers...

After a lazy morning, Sophie, Mike and I drove into town for some shopping. It's been a gorgeous day today with blue skies and sunshine all day and the town was a lot busier than it was the last time we came here, on New Year's Day!

Sophie needed to take a playsuit back to River Island so this was now the third time we'd had to go back to the shop. The sales assistant refunded the whole amount back onto her card, which was an unexpected bonus! I was expecting yet more hassle as Sophie had used her own money plus the refund from the pyjamas to pay for the outfit.

We called into Primark so Sophie could buy some leggings and vest tops and she met her friend Danni, who works in there. Mike looked at some clothes but didn't seem that keen on them and I was a little shocked at how low the prices were...£2 for a tee-shirt?

Sophie bought some clothes for New York in New Look and we had lunch in McDonald's as a treat. On the way back to the car we called into Debenhams as I wanted to look at the homeware range but was shocked to see a Jasper Conran quilt cover for sale at £92! We've gone from one extreme to another! Mike's friend tagged along with us and even accompanied us back to the car which was a bit strange, but he seemed a nice lad who worked for Trilogy as well, but at Mounts Baths. He told us how much he earned as a life-guard and I was impressed...hint, hint, Mikey!

From town we went to Jones's and I treated myself to a new quilt with my Christmas money. The quilt we have is old (I'm not going to say how old!) so I'll look forward to snuggling up under that when I change the bedding!

After we got home Sophie and I took Monty for a cat walk and we went to see the horses in the gathering twilight. It was a beautiful evening with the sky a mix of blues, pinks and peaches:

It was far colder than I expected so after our first lap of the estate I went and put my coat on so we could go around once again!

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