Tuesday 16 June 2015

Watching bats

Today has been exceedingly quiet at work as the weather has been warm and sunny. Why couldn't it have been like this at the weekend?

After work Sophie and I went for a walk down to the village and when we got  back I sat in the garden for a while with Monty, who is in disgrace again. On Sunday evening he was in Sophie's bedroom and he sprayed on her bedding...needless to say he's banned from the house again but as it's summer I don't think he minds. We just wonder why he keeps on doing it when we shout at him every time and chase him outside.

I took some photos of him:

Unfortunately I've stopped putting bird food out in the garden as we have been swamped with baby Starlings and all they do is mess everywhere, fight, squawk loudly and frighten off the little blue tits, sparrows and robins. Hopefully they will go off elsewhere and we can resume feeding the little birds in a few days.

After we got back from collecting Mike from Army Cadets, Keith and I poured ourselves a wee dram of Welsh whisky and sat in the garden to watch the bats. They fluttered about above us and one was very close, which was a bit scary!

Photo from a walk the other Sunday:

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