Monday 29 June 2015

Important meetings...

I felt a little nervous today as the buyers were coming in for a meeting and we wanted to ask if we could delay the completion date by a week so that Mum and Dad will have returned from holiday.

Four of them came in at 10am, just half an hour before we had a school visit. Sophie was in charge today, helped by Mum, while Dad and I sat in the meeting. By the time I'd got back to the table with coffee and tea for everyone, it had been agreed to delay until Monday 13 July which gives us an extra week.

We had a good meeting and the new manager arranged to come in on Tuesday to work with me for a few hours to start learning all about the business. The HR woman for the buyers took away all our staff information and another man who dealt with marketing quizzed me on the website and the Facebook page we have. After they left I supervised the children on the playframe, along with the teachers who were very good at making sure their charges weren't being silly, and then went off to the bank and Tesco to buy lunch.

The school left at 2pm and we cleared up although there wasn't that much to do. We were able to head home at 3.30pm and I hoovered all downstairs at home and dusted the living room as I couldn't stand the bits on the carpet and the dusty shelves any longer! Keith took Mike for a haircut and I sat and watched Downton Abbey until they got back which was bliss and very cool with all the windows open to catch the late afternoon breeze.

Keith and I went out for a drink after he got back with Mike and we headed to The Griffin at Pitsford as our first choice, the Whyte Melville in Boughton, was closed. We were glad we'd picked the pub as it was very quiet and we had a chat with some real characters who were regulars in the pub. It was lovely to relax after our busy day and enjoy a drink and a laugh with people we'd never spoken to before. It made for a lovely end to the day!

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