Saturday 27 June 2015

Resting up...

True to my word I tried to spend as much of today as I could resting my sore ankle. It helped that the weather was fine and sunny so Keith and I did spend some time in the garden in between running Sophie to work and Mike to a party that had been cancelled at the last minute...

Keith did all the driving as I don't think that helps much! We took Soph in to work, came home and relaxed before going back to Moulton to take Mike to a party. It was due to start at 3pm but when we dropped him off we waited to make sure it was going ahead. We're so glad we did as apparently the party had been cancelled so he came home with us instead. Another party he was due to go to in the evening had also been mysteriously postponed (I'm not sure we had the full story with all this!) so we decided to go to the pub in the evening before dinner.

Sophie wasn't keen on accompanying us so just Keith, Mike and myself drove up to The White Horse and sat in the garden over a few drinks. The previously blue skies had turned a bit cloudy but it was still warm and there were several other people enjoying the decking, including the couple who were renting Sarah and Liam's house next door.

We had just two drinks and the returned home to a dinner of sweet and sour chicken, planned especially as Mike doesn't like it. It was a good job we had an alternative we could offer him!

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