Sunday 21 June 2015

Celebrating Dads!

The weather today has been much better with blue skies and white fluffy clouds. Sophie was working again today and before we dropped her off we popped to Booker to buy some cold meats for our evening meal. Mum and Dad were coming around in the evening as today is Father's Day and Keith had opened his presents and cards before we left home.

We'd bought him two books and a case of Owd Roger so he was very happy indeed! After dropping Sophie off I went home, made a Key Lime pie and then did some gardening. The front verge took me all of twenty seconds to mow and I had a chat with Tom who told me he'd arranged for one of his colleagues to come and repair the grill we have at the bottom of our driveway. It's a narrow drain but is full of soil and leaves and looks horrible. It's not the best of designs!

I also chatted to Sue so it was quite a sociable few minutes! Despite the rain of yesterday the soil was still very dry so I cut the grass and swept up along the road and that was it!

Keith joined me when I moved into the back garden and did a few jobs before we sat and enjoyed a cup of tea in the sun. Before I went to pick Sophie up I hoovered downstairs and set the table for dinner so it was lovely to relax in the bath before making the final preparations for dinner of cold meats, salad and quiche.

Mum and Dad arrived at 7.30pm and my father opened his present of a bottle of Talisker whisky. Hopefully, when we visit Scotland in August we can go to the distillery on Skye and have a tasting.

We had a lovely meal and a good laugh. The children were on good form and did their best to entertain my parents. As it grew darker the lights on the Jasmine bush lit up and then close to 10pm the bats came out to do their nightly swooping!

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