Sunday 23 November 2014

Sunday spring cleaning...

Today has been spent mostly cleaning, I'm afraid. The weather has been wet and gloomy so therefore we didn't fancy going out for a walk.

The house did need a clean though, especially Mikey's bedroom which was in a real state! I changed his bedding and gave the room a good hoovering. As he was in Brixworth with his mates, it was the ideal opportunity!

It did feel great afterwards to see the house all clean and tidy. It's just a shame it doesn't last that long! Before I went to pick Sophie up from work I managed to put a colour on my hair, whilst watching It's A Wonderful Life. Truly, this has to be the perfect Christmas film and it never fails to move me. At the moment, with the problems we're having at work, it seemed especially relevant.

Unfortunately Sophie called as I was in the shower so it was a mad dash to work with Keith to pick her up, and I had wringing wet hair! There was a beautiful sunset after the gloomy weather of today with the sky turning the most gorgeous shade of deep pink. It just goes to show that amidst all the grey and gloom of winter, Nature has a way of putting on a treat!

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