Monday 29 September 2014

Monday again!

Today I haven't done any cleaning at work, which is a good thing! Mum hasn't been very well (she's had a bad back) so she stayed at home and Keith and Sophie came in with me to keep me company.

In the afternoon we helped Sophie write a CV but she really didn't take it that the moment I just can't see her going to interviews and working somewhere else, but if things work out and the business is sold, she'll have no choice!

Before we left for the day I hoovered my car out and cleaned it inside and then we went off to the gym. However, neither of us were really in the mood so we wallowed in the jacuzzi and then went home to watch an episode of "Desperate Housewives". Yes, I know we're naughty and we're not doing what we should be doing at the gym but it was very enjoyable!

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