Tuesday 30 September 2014

Can't see the wood for the trees...

After a busy day at work, it was great to go off for a walk with Sophie and Keith, especially as it was a perfect Autumnal late afternoon. It was still warm as well - 21c - which is saying something as it's October tomorrow!

We had a lovely walk - a much better one than Sunday, thank goodness!

Near to the village we spotted a Horse Chestnut tree and managed to get some conkers- they're so beautiful when you open the outer casings and discover the nutty brown seed inside.

Keith always carries a long stick with him (to beat down nettles) and he threw his stick up into the tree but it became caught in the upper branches! We looked and looked for it but we couldn't see it! Maybe when all the leaves have fallen later in the year we'll be able to find it again!

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