Sunday 28 September 2014

Lazy Sunday? No way!

Today has been hectic to say the least! After calling to get the Sunday papers and having a coffee with Mum and Dad I cooked breakfast for the three of us with the leftover new potatoes, mushrooms, bacon and haggis. I then had no choice but to hoover downstairs as my living room carpet resembled a field. I'm sure most of it is brought in on the cats' little muddy paws or falls off their times Archie looks like a mobile meadow!

Just as I finished hoovering (and I was all sweaty and horrible) it was time to take Sophie to work. Keith and I then drove to Pitsford where we left his car and walked through the Nature Reserve back home. It was a very warm and muggy day and before long both of us were sweating again...horrible! Also, we hadn't brought any water with us and my breakfast bacon was making me very thirsty indeed! Not a good feeling! I don't mind being hungry but I really can't bear being thirsty!

We plodded on, neither of us really in the mood despite the beautiful day. There were carpets of leaves everywhere and I'm really looking forward to doing this walk again but when it's a bit cooler! This summer is going on and on!

We decided to cut short the walk around the Nature Reserve and headed back to our village by a dusty track. We could see our estate in the distance but we were still a fair way away and my throat was parched! As soon as we arrived home I grabbed a bottle of water and drank and drank! Damn bacon!

There was no rest for us, though, as we had to go and retrieve Keith's car and then when I arrived home I had a text from Sophie asking me to pick her up from work. When I arrived Sophie said that Mikey had called as well and could we go and collect him?

Finally, when we arrived home I spent an hour grating limes and whisking eggs and condensed milk to make another Key Lime pie. It was then time to have a bath before I prepared all the veggies for dinner. Phew!!

At least I had a relaxing evening as Keith did most of the dinner and I fell asleep on the sofa while watching the latest Nordic Noir thriller "Crimes of Passion" that we are steadily working through!

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