Tuesday 8 April 2014

Springing a leak

I awoke this morning feeling a bit bleary as I hadn't managed to get to sleep until well after midnight (I dreaded someone being sick and being called on to clean it up) and the slightest noise woke me up.

I looked out of our bedroom window into the conservatory at 6.45am to see a couple of party-goers awake. Whether they just hadn't gone to sleep at all I couldn't tell, but when I left for work an hour later, peace reigned.

I did the cleaning along with Mum and Dad but it was better than I'd expected and as the sun was shining and it was a beautiful day, my mood was a lot lighter this morning!

I did more grappling with the Payroll (still not resolved) and then went and checked on my car. Last night, as we were leaving Market Harborough, the coolant light came on and this morning before I went to work the level was very low so we'd topped it up. Now, at work, it had fallen again, which was a bit worrying.

When I got home (partygoers still in evidence) Keith and I took another look and it had fallen again, plus we'd noticed a small puddle of water on the drive. Time to call Audi! This comes on top of the problem we're having with the shower in our en-suite at the moment which is leaking and running into the carpet on the landing so at the moment we're a bit fed up with waterworks!

I called Mum and Dad to ask if I could borrow the Mini as the woman at Audi told me that it wasn't a good idea to drive my car until I was able to take it to the dealership on Thursday morning. Mum and Dad hardly drive the Mini so were more than happy for me to borrow it for as long as I wanted. I'm going to miss my car!

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