Sunday 20 April 2014

Rain, rain, rain...

Well, the forecast rain arrived and it's been a miserable, cold and horrible Easter Sunday.

I cheered myself up by watching a great film first thing called Love Is All You Need starring Kim Bodnia (from The Bridge) and Pierce Brosnan. Most of it is set in Italy and the scenery was breathtaking! It certainly beat looking out of the window to see our grey skies!

I made Gordon Ramsay's special porridge for breakfast and then spent the rest of the morning giving our en-suite a thorough clean and shampooing the carpets, something I've been meaning to do for ages. We were forced to put the heating on in the afternoon as it was so cold!

At 4pm Sophie, Mikey and me went over to Mum and Dad's for a cup of tea and some cake and my Mum gave Mikey an Easter egg while Sophie received a New Look voucher. She's not a fan of chocolate eggs and she was really pleased with the voucher as tomorrow we're off to Milton Keynes to do some shopping.

By evening the rain had worsened and while watching a great programme on the wildlife of Florida, the sky grew darker and darker. We had torrential rain which hammered on the roof of the conservatory as we ate our roast turkey dinner so it hasn't been quite the warm and sunny day I was hoping for!

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