Tuesday 15 April 2014

Problems, problems...

Today I decided to tackle the accounts software on my new computer and I had to call Sage again as I needed an activation key. When I called I was told that the package I had was licensed to Mum and Dad's old company that they closed years ago and the license couldn't be transferred. This meant that I was forced to buy a completely new package - Sage Instant Accounts - for around £150!

I downloaded the software but when I came to back up the files it wouldn't work as our version was so old. I then had to call Sage again and the man I spoke to did a very clever thing by getting me to send my back-up file to them online so they could convert it. It's going to take a day to do but at least it solves the problem. Hopefully when that is done it will be the end of all the niggles I've been having and everything will be up to date!

It's been another gorgeous day here but at least we were a little busier than yesterday!

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