Thursday 31 October 2013

Trick or treat!

My mobile phone troubles don't seem to be over just yet as I received a text from my provider this morning asking me to contact them about a recent order I'd placed with them. As I hadn't ordered anything, this was a bit unsettling, so I called them straight away and discovered that someone had tried to order a phone in my name last night, right after Keith and I had cancelled the other fraudulent order with EE.

This put me in a bit of a grump for the rest of the day when really I should have been in a happy mood! I rushed around decorating one of the party rooms for the Halloween games later in the day and when Keith arrived with both children we went over to the bank and made sure they knew what had happened in case any funnies turned up in my account. Yesterday and today seem to be full of doing paperwork and calling companies whose list of numbers to press never seem to correspond with the query I have!

Back at work Sophie and I hosted the games and I think the children all had a good time with the apple bobbing, hanging donuts (they had to eat them as they swung to and fro without using their hands!) and finding the sweets I'd hidden in a bowl of flour. There were some very sticky faces leaving work today! There were some really sweet children playing the games and we had great fun with the spooky music and a scary skull whose eyes moved!

It was a relief to go home at the end of the day, though, and I made an apple crumble with some fruit that nobody had bothered to eat, rather than throw it away. I have to say it was quite good with Keith's custard! While I was at work Keith and Mikey had carved the pumpkin and I put out a bowl of sweets ready for the trick or treaters, We had a very slow start and I began to wonder if anyone was coming at all, but all of a sudden hordes of children arrived so I was able to get rid of most of the bowl, thank goodness! My two don't need any more sweetness!

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