Thursday 10 October 2013

Not a good day...or was it?

Today has been horrible. Work has been very stressful today and we had a customer complaint that I had to deal with mid-morning whilst I was in a meeting with the local HSE representative, which I could really have done without!

Today we'd advertised it was "Freeday" at work, rather than Thursday, something we're doing one day a week to give our customers a little freebie. Today we were giving everyone a raffle ticket for a free draw to win a month's pass, potentially worth around £100 but one customer assumed that we were offering free entrance! She'd already been arguing with Polly and had then demanded to speak to someone in Management so I had to leave my meeting and go and talk to her. Realising that whatever I said wasn't going to make a difference, as she was like a spitting cat, I apologised and offered her some free tickets when she left. Who in their right mind would run a business these days!

Sophie and I went off to the gym after work and it was great to get rid of my stress by doing some much needed exercise! I relished the half hour I spent in the jacuzzi just relaxing and enjoying the warm water.

Back at home Keith had made a fish pie for dinner which was delicious. Even the children ate it all up! For dessert he suggested fruit salad but it was nearly the last dish he would ever eat as he started to choke on a piece of apple and really started to panic. I've never seen him looking so scared so I knew it was serious. I made him bend over slightly and hit him hard in the middle of his back, but that didn't work, so I hit him again harder and luckily this made the piece of apple move and he was able to spit it out.

All of us were shaking but Mikey stayed very calm and I didn't panic myself, even though I always thought I would in a situation like that. However, if that hadn't worked then maybe I would have felt a lot different. Funnily enough, I sat and watched a programme on BBC2 that touched on the subject of saving lives so it was quite apt. I did my First Aid course almost two years ago and I'm glad that I have a basic knowledge.

We all shakily sat down to watch TV again and after about fifteen minutes the phone rang. It was my Dad to say that the alarm had gone off at work, for the second time. Knowing he wanted me to go in with Keith I said we'd pop in to make sure everything was OK. Watching a recorded episode of "Whitechapel" was not the best thing to be doing tonight as it's been very scary (and a bit silly, if I'm honest) so the children flatly refused to stay in the house while we drove to work!

My place of work at night is not great and as it was a windy night the whole building was creaking! We soon found the problem up in the Nursery as the girls had hung a huge banner from the ceiling which was activating the alarm sensor. We took it down, locked all up and headed home where Sophie insisted we all watch an episode of "How I Met Your Mother" to cheer us up before bed. The finish of "Whitechapel" will have to wait!

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