Sunday 27 October 2013

Christmas cake Part 2!

Well, the clocks went back an hour last night so when I awoke at 7am it was really 6am...

The extra hour gave me the opportunity to make my Christmas cake - for real this eating it as soon as it came out of the oven! The fruit had been soaking in Brandy since Wednesday and it was all plump and juicy, and smelled really lovely!

It went into the oven at 10am and when I got back from a swim at the gym at almost 2pm Keith had turned the oven off and it was cooling down. Mum and I went off to an Antiques Fair in Kettering in the afternoon and the gorgeous Mason china that she collects was there as one of the dealers specialises in it. However, the prices were ridiculous - £195 for a toast rack and I know that Mum has never paid that much before when she's bought various bits of china. She was really disappointed as there was a lot of crockery to choose from but she was not prepared to pay the high prices.

We left and went for a cup of tea at Beckworth's and then it was time to pick Sophie up from work and then go home for a glass of wine and prepare for the storm!

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