Friday 9 August 2013

A good end to a busy week!

Today has been one of the those days when I would much rather have been sitting on a beach somewhere, preferably reading a good book and sipping something cold and alcoholic.

I arrived at work just as it started to pour with rain, which was great as yesterday I'd decided to take out the umbrella that was in my bag. I sat and waited for a couple of minutes but it just got worse so I was forced to drive back around the building and park nearer to the top entrance. The new Nursery were in getting ready for their Ofsted visit so the place was looking lovely. It'll be great to have children back in there again after so long.

I hurriedly sorted out the tills and then Mum and Dad arrived with the Booker shopping which needed three trips to put it all away. Just as we finished that and sat down thankfully with a cup of coffee, the Friday frozen food order arrived...

With the early rain we were very busy and the noise level increased all day. We spent much of the time clearing tables and washing up and I had a brief but angry argument with my daughter who didn't seem to realise the importance of such menial chores...teenagers!

Just before 4pm the phone rang and it was Keith to say that Mikey had been to the village with some friends but had called him to say that his face had come out in a rash and his eyes were all bloodshot. I went home straight away to find him propped up on the sofa and looking a bit poorly, although Keith said his face had gone down a bit and his eyes weren't so red. We think it may have been an allergic reaction or hayfever so Keith had given him some antihistamine tablets which seemed to have worked very quickly.

I managed to persuade Keith to go out with me in the evening, rather than his mate Dave, so we walked up to the pub in the village and spent a very pleasant couple of hours chatting and having a lovely drink (I had a few glasses of a delicious Chenin Blanc again). The pub was very busy with locals, some of whom we knew, so it was a great way to end what had been a bit of a stressful day!

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