Friday 23 August 2013

Thank goodness it's Friday!

Another week has flown by and as the sun was shining and it was hot, we were quiet - such a change from yesterday!

I took in a lot of Nan's old photos and documents to work so we made use of being quiet to have a good look (I posted a couple of photographs onto Facebook of me in the 80s/90s!) and a bit of a reminisce. At one point Polly and Maureen came into the office to have a look and there was a great atmosphere as we laughed at the pictures of how we used to look.

After work Sophie and I went off to the gym but it was very hot so after sweating it out on the crosstrainer for a mere ten minutes we went down to the pool for a swim and a dip in the jacuzzi.

Back home we fed the gecko (just one more night to do!) and marvelled at how quickly the school holidays have gone by. There's really just a week and a half left and then the children are back. It reminds me we need to sort Mikey out with new uniform!

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