Sunday 11 March 2012


The whole of today was spent painting the kitchen and did it need it! It's not until you start eaxmining walls and surfaces that you realise how badly things need doing! We have lots of glasses on top of our cupboards (each with a story to tell) and these had all been washed the day before as they were so grimy! I'd scrubbed the cupboard doors, washed the walls and cleaned all the skirting boards so we set to with the paint at just after 8am and we didn't stop until we were finished (well, Keith stopped at 3pm to watch the Rugby).

When we were finished we were very pleased with our hard work and the kitchen is now spotlessly clean and bright and airy. We used "White Cotton" from Dulux which really brought out the colour of our green tiles and the new blinds. It was great to see the old green paint which I really wasn't very keen on, disappear beneath our paint brushes!

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