Sunday 25 March 2012

More hard work!

The clocks were supposed to have gone forward last night but I refused to move ours on at home as I had no plans to go anywhere today and I was NOT going to lose one hour of my precious Sunday!

We had a lazy start to the day and then went to get the Sunday papers and I bought some crumpets and raspberry jam for breakfast. On the way home we called in to see Mum and Dad and had a cup of coffee with them.

Breakfast was taken in our lovely sunny conservatory and then I tackled the front garden and had a long chat with Jenny who's son Matthew used to be at the same school as Mikey. They've just got a new black labrador puppy called Ellie who was gorgeous and at the really playful, bouncy stage. As soon as Jenny continued with her walk I had an equally long chat with Sue who was out gardening like me. It's wonderful how this beautiful weather brings everyone out and we're all so much more sociable!

In the back garden I pottered about examining the plants and seeing how they'd fared over the winter. I think the extremely low temperatures have caused damage to several of our shrubs but only time will tell. We cut a couple back and we can only wait and see what will happen over the next few weeks as the weather turns warmer.

Keith had cut the lawn yesterday so I just mooched about and trimmed a few bushes and swept up a load of leaves that had gathered in the gravel garden over the winter. I even managed to sit and have a very welcome drink in the sun! Bliss!

After a quick bite to eat Sophie and I went for a walk and met Liam and Sarah who were walking Max. The horses were out and wanting another cuddle and again, although we didn't have any food with us, they were quite happy to be stroked by Sophie, Liam and me and even Max went up to say hello! Can horses and dogs be friends?!

By the time we finished our walk I was a wee bit tired so it was into the bath for me with a good book and a long soak!

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