Monday 12 March 2012

Another learning curve!

We went off down to Kent again today to take Nan for her hearing test but this time we had a new wheelchair with us to make the journey to and from Specsavers a bit easier!

We arrived at lunchtime and showed Nan her new wheelchair (like a camping chair on wheels) and packed everthing into the car. The earlier mist had cleared and it was a gorgeous Spring day, perfect for a short shopping trip!

I found the wheelchair easy to push, but it really hits home how difficult it can sometimes be to get around if you have a disability. Inside the shopping centre it was easy as the floor was level and smooth but in the pedestrianised area of Dartford, the ground was very uneven and at one point, as I crossed the road with Nan, I couldn't get the wheelchair up the very low kerb. I'm really glad to say that one very kind man offered to help me and I said I should have an "L" plate on the wheelchair!

Nan's hearing test was enlightening to her (but not to us) as she has lost 50% of the hearing in both ears. She refused to talk about hearing aids so we'll still be shouting at her for a few months to come unless she relents and sees about an NHS one. She refuses to even contemplate the super-duper one that costs £1500!

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