Friday 20 January 2012

A trip to the airport.

Mum and Dad were flying off to New York today, the lucky things, so it meant a trip to the Airport at a very early hour. They weren't flying until 12pm but with the traffic, the roadworks on the M1 and the dreaded M25 we left at 6am to be doubly sure of getting there in time to check in.

As always when you allow plenty of time, we had a good journey down and I was back at home at 10am. I would have been back even sooner if I hadn't given into temptation and stopped at Toddington Services for a cup of coffee and a pastry!

Keith met me at home after he'd been in to open up for us and we headed back to a very busy workplace. The weather today has been very depressing - wet, cold and grey so we were inundated with tots and their parents. I helped out in the kitchen and then in the late afternoon, Keith and I were able to escape and go to Booker.

It was wonderful to finally get home and relax in the evening and then have an early night!

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