Friday 27 January 2012

The end of another week...

This week has, quite literally, passed in a blur! I can't believe that another weekend is looming but it's tinged with a bit of worry as I'm planning to come in on Saturday to help out. Last Saturday was absolutely manic and if Sophie's in anyway it makes sense for me to stay for a couple of hours.

Sophie and I were supposed to be having our hair cut this evening but Polly couldn't get anyone to work so my poor little daughter had to go in. I went home and then returned to work to pick her up at 6.30pm. I was met by Sophie saying they had a "situation" and I discovered that a couple had "lost" an ipod belonging to their son and could I check our CCTV cameras?

The ipod was in the son's jacket pocket and had disappeared. We looked back on the CCTV but I couldn't see anything, and certainly not someone taking the ipod out of the pocket. I explained that I'd have another look on Monday and took the couple's phone number but I don't hold out a lot of hope, to be honest. Why they couldn't have left the gadget in the car (in the glove compartment) or hired one of our lockers to keep it safe I do not know!

After I finished with the couple I gave Polly a lift home, so all in all I was home far later than I anticipated!

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