Friday 6 January 2012

It arrived!!!

The fax machine! I ordered it in the middle of November through our Nectar points and as I wrote in the blog a few weeks ago, we've had a major battle to actually get it from Viking Direct so persistence does pay off in the end. I think my threat to start legal proceedings did the trick as that seemed to galvanise Nectar who sent me an email to apologise and gave us 1,000 points to make amends for all our trouble (and phonecalls!).

It's still in the box and I'll sort it all out next week when we're not so busy as this week has been very hectic. We've been interviewing for Jenny's job at work which has been fairly intense as the person we take on needs to be the right one. I'm still behind with a lot of officework as well and we haven't taken down all the Christmas decorations, either! That will have to wait until Monday! At the moment there really aren't enough hours in the day so I can see this year speeding past just like last year!

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