Saturday 19 June 2010

What summer?

Today has been cold and certainly not weather for sitting out in the garden with a cold beer. That lovely hot weekend, a few weeks ago, seems a distant memory now...

Mum, Soph and me went out in the afternoon to the garden centre and Weedon as I had to get some wrapping paper and a bottle box for dad's wine. Soph also wanted to buy her friend Susie a birthday present. It wasn't really a day for plant buying but we braved the outdoors and I bought three new plants, one of which is in need of tender loving care.

At Weedon I spotted a pair of slippers for Keith that were in the sale. They were perfect but they didn't have his size. The sales assistant said she had another pair very similar and I noticed that they were marked up at £13.99 which was a bargain! However, when I went to buy them she said they were £ this is where I should have said, "Hang on! They're priced at £13.99!" but like a stupid idiot, I said nothing!! Outside the shop I asked mum if she thought £30 was too much for slippers (YES!) and she looked shocked. We went back to the car with me seething with annoyance (at myself I hasten to add) and both mum and Sophie managed to convince me to go back to the shop (very embarrassing) and ask for a refund.

Why do I do these stupid things?? I'm normally quite good with money but why I didn't open my mouth and query the price, I do not know...!


kitchen princess said...

We've had a miserable grey and rainy day here too. Even though it was embarrassing, at least you got the refund.

Janie said...

I did, and I hope I've learned my lesson! ;)