Sunday 6 June 2010

Misty and damp.

We had a terrific thunderstorm here last night - an amazing light and sound show that had all of us watching out of the window and went on until about 11pm. The lightening lit up the entire sky and then we had torrential rain which the ground badly needs. This morning it was grey, misty and humid with further rain and thunderstorms throughout the day.

Keith and I went for a walk first thing and then he made a big pot of tomato soup for dinner tonight. Along with Sophie he also made some chocolate muffins so the kitchen was a hive of activity! I gave the downstairs rooms a good clean - the conservatory was particularly bad with dead flies behind the sofas! We still managed to sit in the garden to have lunch and a cold beer and it's been considerably cooler today.

Ma and Pa came around for dinner and we had a lovely meal of tomato soup to start, followed by salad, cold meat and quiche. Dad had also made a delicious ice cream affair with lime and coconut which was gorgeous. He served it with lots of juicy red fruits and it made a great end to a very summery meal.

Back to school for the wee ones tomorrow! Monday has come around very quickly!


kitchen princess said...

Lucky you getting to see the storm. It woke me, but I fell straight back to sleep.

Janie said...

I just love a good storm! Maybe I should be a stormchaser! xx