Monday 13 May 2019

Back home...

Our overnight flight was one of the worst I've ever had, thanks in part to the woman in the seat in front of me who reclined hers from the moment we boarded the plane, until the cabin crew told her to put it upright before we landed. Some people had whole rows to themselves but we were cramped into our seats and I wish we'd decided to move somewhere else!

I felt cramped and exhausted and even though I did manage to sleep, I felt very uncomfortable. What a difference to the flight on the way over! The food was bland and the "breakfast" they served (at about 1.30pm UK time) was horrible! The lights didn't go up until just before we landed so we had to eat in the dark!

Keith was there to meet us and it was great to see him again! We had a huge hug and then made our way to the car for the journey home. The one good thing was that the weather was gorgeous!

We had a good journey home and arrived back at about 4pm. Mike had managed to get a lift home with one of his mates and Sophie and I dispensed our gifts to him and Keith who seemed delighted with what we'd bought them.

Sophie and I unpacked and started on our mounds of washing that needed to be done! At least with the weather we'd be able to dry some outside!

Dinner tonight was toad-in-the-hole and I enjoyed a couple of G&Ts! By 9pm we were all more than ready for bed!

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