Wednesday 17 October 2012

Wacky races!

Mum and I went back down to Kent today to see Nan again and she was extremely fed up when we saw her on the ward. Her leg did look better though, but they still haven't got a date for her to come home.

We left at 4pm and had an excellent journey home, despite the queues at Junction 15 again! I didn't realise Northampton was such a popular destination! Coming off the M1 and travelling along the main road into the town was like being part of the Wacky Races, was hell! I dread to think how a novice driver would cope with the other drivers changing lanes, cutting in front of people and tail-gating in their extreme impatience to get wherever they were going. I was driving Mum and Dad's nippy little Mini which was fun to drive and I certainly didn't let the bigger cars bully me!

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