Tuesday 2 October 2012

One's company!

Today has been great - a little oasis of peace and quiet that I relished to the full!

Keith and I took Sophie to school this morning and then went for breakfast at a Little Chef on the A14. I felt a bit guilty having a cooked breakfast but I vowed to go for a walk later and try and work some of it off!

Back home we pottered about the house for the rest of the morning and then it was time to take Keith over to Northampton for him to meet his old work mates. I was looking forward to the afternoon and having the house to myself for a change and just relishing the peace and quiet!

After the kids came home from school I managed to get out for an hour's walk, just before the heavens opened. I didn't see a soul on the walk at all, only two tractors in the distance who looked like they were scarifying (?) the fields, turning the rough chunks of soil into beautifully smooth lines.

After the walk I hurriedly pulled a brush through my hair and then whizzed down to pick up Keith. He bought me a drink and we had a very pleasant chat with his mates and their wives before we ventured home in the lashing rain. Autumn is definitely here!

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