Thursday 25 October 2012

Fascinating stuff!

Over the last couple of nights I've been watching Prehistoric Autopsy on BBC2 with the excellent Alice Roberts, which I've found fascinating. Over the three nights they've been reconstructing three early humans - a Neanderthal man, a Homos Erectus boy and "Lucy" who was walking the earth about 3 million years ago. I just can't grasp that length of time and what the planet must have been like then. It does make me wonder whether humans will still be around in 3 million years time and if we are continuing to evolve.

I joked with Keith that if Earth is still here and we haven't destroyed it completely, humans will probably have huge brains and huge thumbs with no legs and will be known as "Techno Man"! We will have lost the ability to talk to one another with all communication taking place through computers that will have ultimate power over our lives...

I do hope I'm wrong!

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