Wednesday 26 September 2012

Messy day!

Today has been one of the days! Keith came into work with me first thing but then left to go home as Mikey was off school due to a heavy cold, poor thing. He is not a good patient!

At the height of the lunchtime rush I decided it would be a good idea to change the ink in our postal franking machine and managed to put the container in the wrong way around which meant it jammed. After fruitless efforts to free it (and ending up covering my hands in red ink) I called Pitney Bowes who, I'm sure, put me through to India. I have nothing against India but it makes it really difficult when the person on the other end of the phone is so far away and I can't hear them properly!

The man on the line tried to tell me what to do but I gave up to go and cover Reception for Polly and clear up a huge amount of sick that had just erupted from a baby at the bottom of the slide...I have to say there was more over his mother which was some consolation!

That dealt with I returned to the franking machine and by sheer brute force managed to yank the ink canister out and put it back in the right way. Was I glad when it started working properly! The alternative would have been a brand new machine and no doubt a hefty penalty to pay!

On the way back to work after picking Sophie up from school we noticed a man lurching around, falling over and not being able to get back up again. He looked drunk but equally he may have been ill or had a stroke. I drove back to work but then made the decision to go and see what had happened to him so we went back to where he was and saw that he was lying by the side of the road. Another couple of cars had also stopped so we all got out and approached him but he kept saying he was OK and not to call an ambulance. I think he may have been foreign. I was not happy about leaving him as he could have fallen into the road or hit his head so I called an ambulance and we went back to work. An hour later the ambulance service sent us a message saying that they couldn't find him so we don't know what happened to him. I only hope he got home safely.

Sophie and I spent the evening at the gym and had a very good workout followed by a swim and a spell in the spa. A blissful ending to a hectic day!

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