Sunday 9 September 2012

Keith woke me up at 6am this morning to see if I wanted to take Sophie out to photograph the sunrise. It would have been a better idea to have woken her first as she refused to get up when he went into her bedroom!

I tried to go back to sleep but in the end I got up and made myself a cup of coffee and enjoyed the beautiful morning that promised to turn into another gorgeous day.

After the lazy start Sophie and I went off to the gym and had a very good workout, followed by a swim and a dip in the jacuzzi. We even had lunch at the gym by which time it was almost empty - a great time to come!

I have to confess that when I got home I sat in the garden with Keith for half an hour and then had a long snooze on the sofa while he watched our local Rugby team play on Sky Sports. I think I deserved it!

At 7pm Sophie and I went off in search of another sunset but the sky was very cloudy and although Soph took some pictures the bright orange sun disappeared behind two big clouds so we called it a day and went home to eat Keith's delicious curry!

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