Tuesday 4 September 2012

Last day of freedom (for the kids!)

Phew, they're almost over and the school holidays certainly went out with a whimper, rather than a bang! It's been another dry day although it clouded over at lunchtime and I thought we were going to have a storm - no such luck!

After work I went out and tidied our front garden which needed weeding and the verge cutting. Keith cut down some of a large conifer that has grown like a mad thing over the summer and in fact at one point I did think we were going to lose it as it looked so poorly. It's amazing what a summer of rain can do!

Susie arrived at 6.30pm as she and Sophie were off to a Chinese restaurant for a final meal before the holidays ended. I took them both and then came home and had a very simple dinner of soup and rolls with Keith. I'm trying really hard to cut down on the sugary foods and for two nights I haven't even had a glass of wine!

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