Friday 28 September 2012

Going solo...

Unfortunately, Sophie had no choice but to work tonight as we were busy with two parties and a Sleepover, so the gym had to be abandoned for one evening. I went home and tried to persuade Keith and Mikey to come for a walk with me but they were having none of it (the bloomin' Ryder Cup is on all weekend so Keith will be glued to the TV screen) so I went on my own!

And do you know what? I thoroughly enjoyed myself! Normally I would have taken Max the dog but he had probably already been for a walk so I set off at 4.30 and was back home just under an hour later, which I was mightily pleased with! It was great to be on my own for once and not having to worry about whether I was walking too fast or too slow. I enjoyed it so much I'll definitely be doing it again!

After I took hubby to the pub I picked Sophie up from work and then went home to watch "Ever Decreasing Circles", a sitcom from the 80s that I absolutely love!

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