Saturday 21 July 2012

Slasher Keith (and Janie) strike again!

Keith and I have really been ruthless in the garden today, cutting back our rampant Virginia Creeper which has reached the very apex of our roof and had even started to creep under the eaves of the house. Keith balanced precariously on the ladder and managed to cut the top bit down while I stood anxiously below! We then cut back a lot of the bushes in the back garden and took the knife to two shrubs that will either benefit or die!

After that I cleaned the garage door and the "white" surround which was filthy! Then I took the hoover to the underside of our carport which was covered in cobwebs. Gill and Tim came out to admire our handiwork although I think Tim was a bit miffed as now we show their part of the driveway up!

Once I picked Sophie up from work at 4.30pm I could finally relax! Let the holiday begin!

We had a delicious curry for dinner and then settled down to watch something interesting for once on television. By the time it ended at 10.30pm we were ready to watch one of our favourite films, "Flight of the Phoenix" which had us all on the edge of our seats! A great end to Saturday!

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