Saturday 7 July 2012

A mixed bag...

The weather still dominates the news at the moment, unfortunately, with the rain and floods causing more problems for parts of the UK. I think we're all now officially fed up with the wet stuff!

Today I pottered about the garden and pulled up a few huge weeds that seem to have flourished over the last couple of weeks! I went off to our local DIY store in the afternoon and picked up a tester pot of paint for our hallway and some geraniums and lavender to brighten up the garden. After picking Sophie up from work I potted them up but that's about all I could do as the ground is still very wet after yesterday's rain. The grass is long and straggly and the garden looks a complete mess, to be honest! Even though we've seen a bit of sun today, we've had more showers and grey clouds!

We managed to barbecue in the evening and my dream of sitting in the garden with a cold bottle of Leffe was realised, but it was certainly not hot and sunny...more damp and chilly, if I'm honest!

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