Monday 2 July 2012

Monday morning blues...

I really did not want to go to work this morning and even contemplated throwing a sickie, but I did go in even though Mikey himself was off school with a bad cough and cold. Keith had to stay at home as well (to look after Mikey) but also to wait in for the washing machine repair man as our washer has gone on strike. 

When he called me later in the day to tell me the repair would take up to ten days, I was not very happy. We already had a backlog of washing as it stopped working on Saturday so I asked mum and dad if we could wash our laundry in their machine otherwise I didn't know what we'd do!

We had a new coffee machine installed at work today and despite them telling us the engineer would be with us at lunchtime, he never arrived until past 3pm. Just lately, despite the recession, I'm finding it more and more difficult to deal with certain companies...I'm constantly having to chase them up about things which is a bit annoying. Whether they have laid off staff and there's not enough people to fulfill the promises they make, I'm not sure, but I'm not liking it!


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