Wednesday 11 July 2012

At last...Sophie and I get a hair cut!

I've been meaning to get my hair cut for weeks now and Sophie's hair is also in dire need of a trim so this morning we went off to a new hairdressing salon we've never used before. I thought Sophie was going to kill me as when we went inside the shop there were quite a few ladies of shall we say - more advanced years -  in there all getting their hair washed and set. Luckily the lady who did our hair was very young and trendy so I was spared a tongue lashing and we both emerged into the sunshine with shiny, well cut tresses! It felt so good to have our hair cut and next time I won't be leaving it for so long!

I was at work until 6pm this evening with Sophie and we came out of work into bright sunshine which later turned into a very stormy night indeed! I do wonder whether we should all start building an ark!

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