Friday 29 June 2012

Prom night at last!

On Thursday, when we went to get Sophie's dress, we had a bit of a hiccup... Luckily I made her try it on again as she'd last tried it on at the end of March. I thanked my lucky stars that I did as there was a problem with the zip and it wouldn't do up...Can you imagine the explosions if she hadn't tried it on until she was all ready to go tonight?

Anyway, the dress went back to the dressmaker for a new zip so we picked it up before Sophie went to have her hair and make-up done next door and the zip was no problem at all. She looked absolutely stunning in it, if I say so myself!

While Sophie was in having her face made up there were two other women there as well who were on their way to an RAF Ball tonight in Oxfordshire. Neither of them had had a trial make-up which I thought was a bit risky! Imagine if they hated how they looked?

Once Sophie's make-up was all done she went to have her hair curled, plaited and put up into a very secure "up-do" with curled tendrils falling down either side. She looked fab!

We drove home and then all Soph had to do was get dressed and put her jewellery on. Oh, and a bit of lipgloss!

Mum came around to see her get dressed and then we went off to Sophie's friend's house where she was going off to the Prom in a convoy of VW Beetles, each one emblazoned with the names of the girls travelling in them. They all looked such beautiful young ladies and I have to admit there was a tear in my eye when they all drove off...this is another milestone ticked off.

All night I kept hoping she was having a fabulous time with all her friends and when I went back to pick her up at 11pm the hotel was full of gorgeously dressed young men and women with anxious parents queuing up to collect their offspring.

Sophie said she'd enjoyed the Prom but would like to have had a dance...not one person ventured onto the dancefloor. I tell you, youth is wasted on the young...I imagined that at the slow dances at the end a few new relationships would be formed, but no. Perhaps a Prom at 16 is just too young? I think they were all so terrified of making fools of themselves that nobody dared be the first to go and dance and have a good time!

OK, so that's that over - now I have her 6th form Prom in two years and Mikey's in four years! Bring it on!!!

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